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Help Center



How long will it take to ship my parcel(s)?

If I order multiple items, will they arrive in 1 package?

Who delivers my item(s)?

What time deliveries are usually made?

What happens if I am not at home?

Where do you ship from?

I messed up my delivery address, what do I do?

I messed up my billing address. What do I do?

Returns, Exchanges & Refunds

I don’t like my item, can I return it?

My item arrived damaged. Can I return it?

Can I return an item and change it to a different one?

How long does it take to refund?

Import & Tax Charges

Can I be charged with import duties?

Emails & Notifications

I bought something and didn’t get an email from you.

I am unable to view your email content.

How Can I Contact You?

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